Outbound Tele-services

Drive Leads, Not Traffic

We’ll clear the way and help you generate targeted leads that can be converted to profitable customers speedily.

We can give you a winning edge with our Lead Generation Services that will help build and maintain your customer base. With a virtual sales team, we make it easier by providing prospects access to what they want while minimizing conversion gaps between potential opportunities for sales!

Our Lead Gen Services will help you:

Increase your sales

With a steady flow of leads coming in, you will find it easier to make sales. This becomes possible because you will already have potential customers with an interest in what you have to offer.

Improve customer relations

When you generate leads, you are also creating opportunities to connect with potential customers. This can help to improve customer relations and create long-term relationships.

Target easier

It can be difficult to target specific customers with traditional marketing methods. However, with a list of leads we make it easier for you to target those who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

Increase your brand awareness

We can help boost your brand profile so prospects are more likely to remember it and consider your product or service the next time they are in need.

Opportunity Qualification

The Contact Hub provides each client with the expertise needed to develop suitable lead qualification criteria, which ensures that your sales teams receive only valid qualified opportunities, enabling you to meet and exceed agreed targets.

We help you:

  • Improve sales productivity
  • Achieve Marketing Goals
  • Grow your Pipeline
  • Improve the revenue generating potential of your sales funnel

    Omni-Channel Lead Generation

    You can trust the Contact Hub to get your attention. We have a team of experts who will develop various channels just for you!

    • Inbound Leads
    • Greenfield Accounts
    • Customer Qualification including Upsell & Cross-sell
    • Outbound Cold Calling
    • Open Access to Authorized Buyers
    • Delivering Sales-ready Opportunities


    Account Based Marketing

    The Contact Hub applies the latest strategies, techniques and best practices to put you face to face with the right prospects. We work across organizations, to understand organizational structure and hierarchy, clearly identifying the buyers and decision makers within the organization.

    We help you:

    • Better Understand Prospect & Customer Organizations
    • Connect Multi-channel Sales & Marketing Efforts.
    • Maximize your return on Investment

    Providing you with:

    • True Account Intelligence
    • Organizational Research
    • Company-based Surveys
    • Buyer Profiling

    Get in Touch

    Let's Work Together


    1st Floor Parravicino Complex


    Christ Church

    BB15149 Barbados